Better Transportation Through Innovation

Your answer to vehicle occupancy detection

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does the VODTagtm require any user interface actions?

A: No, the VODTagtm is completely self-contained. There are no switches or indicators on the device.

Q: What is the accuracy of the VODTagtm?

A: The current design has been tested at an accuracy level of 95+% at a significance level of 5%.

Q: The automobile is a relatively hostile environment, how does the VODTagtm deal with this?

A: The VODTagtm is designed and manufactured to the same level of specifications as utilized by the vehicle manufacturer.

Q: Is the VODTagtm affected by the window tinting films?

A: No, unlike external camera based systems, the use or non-use of these films does not effect performance.

Q: Does the VODTagtm replace existing vehicle transponder hardware?

A: Yes, an existing transponder device can be replaced by the VODTagtm so that only one device is needed in the vehicle.

Q: How is the VODTagtm powered?

A: The unit is self-powered by 2 internal standard AA user replaceable batteries.

Q: What is the battery life expectancy?

A: Under normal operating conditions the battery life expectancy should be 1-2 years.

Q: What happens when the battery dies?

A: The unit contains 'near end of life' determination that is transmitted to the backroom which then sends out an email or text.

Q: What happens if the battery is not replaced?

A: The unit continues to function in the SOV mode and the backroom can send additional notices to the user.

Q: How is the battery replaced?

A: The unit is designed so that the batteries are easily user replaceable.

Q: How many occupants can be detected?

A: The VODTag is designed to determine 1, 2 or 3+ occupants in the first or second row of a vehicle.

Q: What about occupants in a third row seat?

A: Through policy to qualify for a discount occupants should be required to be in the first 2 rows.

Q: Where is the unit mounted?

A: On the upper edge of the windshield to the right of the rear view mirror.

Q: How is the unit installed?

A: Using self-adhesive 'Velcro' strips.

Q: Can the unit count children in a rear facing child seat?

A: No, the unit needs to 'see' the occupants to count occupancy and the child seat itself would prevent detection. However we do have a unique solution to this situation built into the device.

Q: What about a large dog?

A: The unit has the capability to determine the difference between a human and a dog assuming the dog is visible to the unit.

Q: How does the VODTagtm aid in enforcement?

A: There are several options that can be implemented on an individual policy basis locally.

Should you have other questions please contact us directly.